Govt Money 2024 Tech: Unveiling the Truth Behind Freelancing Programs in Bangladesh

Govt Money 2024 Tech

Unemployment rate in Bangladesh in 2024 quarter 2 is 3.65%, it increased to 3.65% from #.41 percent just in a year. Increasing unemployment can bring problems for the citizens as well as the country. At this time a Bangladeshi blogging site Tech Site Bangla is providing information on innovative Government programs which works on teaching various freelancing skills to the citizens. Students, unemployed and all the citizens can take the benefit and  earn money. But wait, Is the government really working on these programs or is it just scam info.?In this blog we will provide you the whole information about this Govt Money 2024 Tech program.

What is Govt Money 2024 Tech

According to a Bangladeshi blogging website – Tech Site Bangla, Govt Money 2024 Tech is a Government program under which the Bangladeshi Government is taking steps towards teaching Freelancing skills to the citizens. Freelancing skills would open the doors of  great opportunities for them and they can easily become financially stable. According to the blogging site you can earn upto 4500 taka and even more in a day. This program would help the government to tackle the low employment rates in Bangladesh. But the question here is, is this program really legit? Or is it just misinformation? Let’s find out the reality behind this.

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing is a type of employment where you do not work specifically for a company. In Freelancing you work for multiple clients on a project to project basis. You can choose your clients, work hours and pay scale for each project. Freelancers can work independently on their own terms.There are many fields for freelancers but some of the common ones are writing, consulting, designing and programming. 

Understand Tech Site Bangla

In order to understand  the whole program and its reality first we have to understand our source of  information i.e. this blogging site – Tech Site Bangla. This is a Bangladeshi website where you get information on various money earning methods. Here you can find ideas related to freelancing, information related to tech and several other online income ideas. Here you find various blogs on Govt Money 2024 Tech program.

What do they say about Govt Money 2024 Tech?

There are several blogs on the platform with this Govt Money 2024 Tech title. When you open the articles, you can find information related to freelancing benefits and a government program which is started to teach different freelancing skills to young citizens. This program is mainly designed for students, so they can earn a good  amount in a short period of time which will help to reduce the burden of their families. There are different plans and earning methods related to this program and they have divided the information into various blogs.

Potential Beneficiaries of the Program

If there is any program like this by the government, then who can take the most benefits out of  it? Let’s explore who can be the potential beneficiaries of  Govt Money 2024 tech.

  • Students: Students who are still completing their studies and want to earn their pocket money can enroll themselves in this program to learn the skills and earn the money. 
  • Unemployed candidates: candidates who are done with the education part but unable to find  good  job opportunities can also take the part and learn freelancing. Nowadays freelancing is a good income source. 
  • Housewives: Housewives can invest their remaining time in freelancing activities and earn money with these fascinating opportunities. While managing their home now they can earn too.

Promises made in Govt Money 2024 Tech Article

There are several promises which the platforms make to its readers while introducing them to this program. Here, we are finding out what they promise through the Govt Money 2024 Tech Program.

  • The Government of Bangladesh has made Freelancing classes free for students.
  • You can register at the Government website and apply to learn freelancing.
  • Freelancing would be taught to you via online mediums
  • You will get a certificate from the Bangladesh Government after completing your course.
  • You can earn many opportunities of freelancing work and jobs after the course.
  • Exaggerated amount of earning (something like 2500 taka and 4500 taka in a day)

How to Register Yourself for the Program?

According to the site you can follow this process to register yourself  with the Govt Money 2024 Tech program:

  • Apply for the program through the official site, the link is given in the blog.(the link misdirects you to another site. Thus, it is not useful)
  • After successful registration your freelancing classes would start from 9am to 11 am for straight 3 months.
  • After completion of the course you will be awarded with a certificate.

Reliability Issues with Govt Money 2024 Tech

The site as well the information provided about the Govt Money 2024 Tech does not seem a bit reliable to us. It is promising an extravagant amount of money from the Government’s side. There is not any authentic government program like this one. If the program is itself  by the government, the information should  have been on the government’s official site. You can not find any update on this program by the Bangladesh government which proves that the information is completely false. These are the points where the Tech Site Bangla Fails miserably:

  • Exaggerated earning promises: You will also find the earning promise fake. Earning upto 4500 taka and more in a day is no joke. Even if  a program like this existed it would not have provided this much money to you. To earn 4500 taka in a day, you have to be an expert in your related field.
  • Unauthentic Links: It provides a link to register yourself to the Govt Money 2024 program but the link redirects you to some other online earning platforms. Those are not government registered and  there are no proofs regarding its security. 
  • Disputed information in articles: All the Articles at the site promise you quick and  easy ways to earn money online. Online earning is not so easy as it shows. You have to work hard to earn. Furthermore, providing info regarding fake government programs destroys its credibility.
  • No official proofs and data: they do not show you any official proofs and  data regarding any of the plans. No reliable evidence makes your thoughts more unclear about the programs and  opportunities.

Why are they Misinforming the Citizens?

Well, we also do not know the true intentions of  Tech Site Bangla behind spreading misinformation. Some reasons which we can estimate can be:

  • Audience Reach: Perhaps, they have cracked the fact that Bangladesh citizens are in search of  jobs and unemployment is affecting them. Maybe they have taken it as an opportunity and  started different plans for the users. They know that the candidates must visit the articles in search of opportunities and  it will give them higher reach on the internet.
  • Lack of Knowledge: The other side of the coin can be that they do not have the proper information about the programs and they have done it mistakenly without doing their complete research.
  • There can be some offline service: It is possible that there can be offline programs and citizens are not well informed about these. But in that case too, the government would not pay this huge amount to the learners. 


We have all the researched insights about Govt Money 2024 Tech Program here. As per our knowledge and  research no program like this one exists on any authentic government portal. The possibilities that it can be only an offline program is also less as in this time the government gives all the updates about new programs online. The blog which provides information regarding this program also seems false as it redirects you to other links for registration.


Q1: Can we really learn freelancing through the Govt Money 2024 tech program?

Answer: There is no official Government program like this. If you really want to learn freelancing, You can learn from various other public platforms.

Q2: Is Tech Site Bangla provides legit information?

Answer: As far as we have researched, we found out that there is some problem with the Tech Site bangla. It lacks authenticity of  information.

Q3: How can students earn through freelancing?

Answer: freelancing includes various skills which  you can learn and  work without any conditions. You can work for a few hours while managing your studies and  earn your pocket money. 

Q4: Is Bangladesh really facing employment issues?

Answer: Yes, There are major employment issues in Bangladesh at this time. The problem needs proper attention and planning from the government.

[Disclaimer- All the information available in the blog is only for informational purposes which we brought after a thorough research. The blog may not contain complete correct info. Readers are advised to check the official site and  other reliable sites from their end.]

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